Israel And The Kennedy Murders

Laurent Guyénot exposes the truth about the Kennedy assassinations and follows the breadcrumbs to the actual perpetrators who’ve managed to remain hidden until now. Proof that JFK and RFK were killed not only by traitors within the CIA but also by American and Israeli Zionists tied to the Jewish Mafia and the Mossad. The Lavon … Read more

A Guide To Psyops: White, Grey & Black

Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) influence the emotions, motives, and behavior of governments, groups, organizations, or enemies. PSYOPS are planned and coordinated intelligence operations designed to target and influence people’s vulnerabilities. PSYOPS are used at all levels (strategic, operational, and tactical) to influence policy, decisions, command, and the will of the target audience. PSYOPS targets one or … Read more

9/11: Decade Of Deception

On the tenth anniversary of the attacks of September 11th, 2001, expert witnesses gathered at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada, to present evidence-based research that called into question the official story of 9/11. They showed their findings on various scientific subjects based on a review of the known facts studied over the last decade. Over … Read more

September 11: The New Pearl Harbor

“September 11: The New Pearl Harbor” is a five-hour documentary summarizing 12 years of public debate on 9/11. Illegal wars and thousands of innocents killed based on the fraudulent narrative, which is taken apart by this thorough film. After all those years, 9/11 still dictates Western policies and the loss of civilians’ rights. All the … Read more

Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich

Survivors reveal the manipulation, abuse, and emotional scars suffered at the hands of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. Their stories expose a sex trafficking ring of powerful enablers leading up to his 2019 arrest. Filthy Rich is an American documentary miniseries based on the 2016 book of the same name by James Patterson and co-written … Read more

Infowars: The Alex Jones Show

One way the predatory class controls information is by mixing the truth with an avalanche of irrelevant bullshit. Celebrity gossip, false stories, civil unrest, psychological operations. The purpose is clear: To keep those awakening so busy deciphering nonsense that the truth is lost. Alex Jones could be part of how they control how the story … Read more

Wolf Watch: Head Of The Snake

Head of the Snake is a condensed version of the three-hour phone call between sex trafficking survivor Maria Farmer and investigative journalist Whitney Webb. Vast and deep intel exposing Mossad, The Mega Group, Les Wexner, The Rothschilds, and the Zionist Jewish mafia that operates within the United States and Israel. These are the key pieces … Read more

Wolf Watch: 911 The Mossad False Flag

The 9/11 terror atrocity and the War on Terror plots were both conceived by Israeli military intelligence in the 1970s under the leadership of Menachem Begin, the self-proclaimed “Father of Terrorism” and founder of the Likud party who became prime minister in 1977. The War on Terror doctrine was rolled out in a “propaganda offensive” … Read more

Martin Kirsten (Part 2)

Read PART I HERE. Vicky Cornell hired Martin Kirsten, and she controlled Chris’s every move, as his manager and handler. He was her meal ticket, a means to an end, and nothing else. Their ever-changing lies as they slander Chris’s family and friends, denote attempts to deflect. Vicky’s mom, Toni Vasil, hinted that Kirsten was … Read more

Blind Item: Israel First, Man

This Zionist infiltrator is more notorious for her bad behavior than her achievements—a classic provocateur, if you will. You wouldn’t know who she is unless you are active on social media or, perhaps, if you live in Florida. She ran in the 2020 primaries to become the Republican candidate for a seat in the House … Read more

Anthony Bourdain II

Continuing where we left off in Anthony Bourdain PART I. You can argue that these high-profile hits are often a joint effort, a consensus by many people…

Anthony Bourdain I

Anthony Bourdain ALLEGEDLY hanged himself on June 8, 2018, in Haut-Rhin, France. He was found at the luxury hotel “Le Chambard”, he was 61 years old.

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