Wolf Watch: Sound Of Freedom

The incredible ”true” story of a former government agent turned vigilante who embarks on a dangerous. Sound of Freedom is a 2023 American thriller film directed and co-written by Alejandro Monteverde and starring Jim Caviezel, Mira Sorvino, and Bill Camp. Caviezel plays Tim Ballard, a former U.S. government agent who embarks on a mission to … Read more

Wolf Watch: Contraland

The child sex trafficking exposes’ documentary Contraband was filmed by the members of the non-profit organization Veterans For Child Rescue. V4CR exposes the multi-billion dollar industry of child sex trafficking, alerting the populace on the epidemic and how you can empower and safeguard all children. While this documentary presents a lot of truths regarding the … Read more

Quiet On Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV

A docu-series that uncovers the toxic culture behind some of the most iconic children’s shows of the late 1990s and early 2000s. Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV is a 2024 ongoing five-part documentary television series that details the behind-the-scenes world of children’s television from the late 1990s to the early 2010s, … Read more

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Everything you’ve ever been told about Global Warming is probably untrue. This film blows the whistle on the biggest swindle in modern history. We are told that ‘Man Made Global Warming’ is the biggest ever threat to mankind. There is no room for scientific doubt. Well, watch this film and make up your own mind. … Read more

Total Disclosure’s Gear Fundraiser

Howdy, guys! Thank you for taking a look at our fundraiser. Updating my work equipment is crucial to delivering even better and more constant content. As things stand, I can only do a little work outside home as my current working station is an ancient desktop (big case HP Compaq 6200 Pro SFF PC with … Read more

Blind Item: Every Rose Has It’s Torn

It was a windy Thursday night in the capital of an armyless Latin American country, and our unknown rock singer was on the prowl. We will call him ”AC”. At the time, he was hot on the local scene, but his reputation was larger than life because of his antics and legendary partying stamina instead … Read more

Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth)

Written and directed by the British filmmaker Martin Durkin and is the sequel to his excellent 2007 documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle, this film exposes the climate alarm as an invented scare without any scientific basis. It shows that mainstream studies and official data do not support the claim that we are witnessing increased … Read more

A Farewell To Virology (Parts 1-3)

“A Farewell to Virology” is a three-part series on a 29,000-word essay by Dr. Mark Bailey, MBChB, PGDipMSM, MHealSc, that challenges virus theory and virology. This groundbreaking work has yet to be contested, and this film aims to explain why. In this film, Spacebusters will guide the layperson through the essay and scientific evidence, making … Read more

Wolf Watch: Plandemic (Parts 1-3)

The Plandemic series is an eye-opening collection of films that dares to explore untold narratives. The series is widely recognized as the first to warn the world of crimes against humanity that are now being brought to light. The first part, a 26-minute documentary, has been seen by over one billion people worldwide, setting a … Read more

Wolf Watch: Hollywood Takeover

Hollywood Takeover: China’s Control in the Film Industry” is an NTD Original Documentary that pulls back the curtain on how Hollywood is helping to further a global adversary’s agenda, the consequences of that on our own future, and what brave individuals are doing to change the tide. “Hollywood Takeover” follows Chris Fenton, a former Hollywood … Read more

Under Our Skin: Lyme Dicease

Under Our Skin: The Untold Story of Lyme Disease is a 2008 film advocating for the existence of “chronic Lyme disease,” a controversial and unrecognized diagnosis. The film was directed by Andy Abrahams Wilson, who became interested in the subject after his sister identified as a “chronic Lyme” patient. The film argues that persistent infection … Read more

Wolf Watch: 100s Of Free Documentaries

*NOTE: We don’t vouch for the total veracity of any of these productions. They are shared for educational purposes. Please use your discernment and fact-check the information available here, as we are not responsible for it. Thank you so much for your support and patience! By SUBSCRIBING, you can watch hundreds of exclusive videos. For … Read more

Bye Winter Promo Discount

If there was a time to become a Total Disclosure member, it is certainly now! Tons of content are added daily, subscribe and unlock 250+ exclusive episodes only at https://totaldisclosure.net/ Questions? Suggestions? alessandro@totaldisclosure.net Promotion expires on 4/21/24

The Man Who Knew Too Much

The Man Who Knew Too Much is a documentary by Michael Oswald about Colin Wallace a former Military Intelligence Officer involved in psychological operations in Northern Ireland. Wallace spread fake news, created a witchcraft scare, smeared politicians, and attempted to divide and create conflict among communities, organizations, and individuals as part of a Disinformation War … Read more

Alaskan Avenger: Jason Vukovich

Jason Vukovich (Alaskan Avenger) was born in Anchorage to a single mother who later married Larry Lee Fulton, his would-be abuser. Later in life, he confronted three men who were child sex offenders with a hammer. He listed the names and addresses he found on the public index in his notebook. Vukovich then targeted the … Read more

Wolf Watch: Robert Sepehr

Robert Sepehr (Los Angeles, 1975) is a writer, producer, independent anthropologist, YouTuber, archeologist, paleobiologist, and specialist in languages. He has written six books – ‘1666 Redemption Through Sin: Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics, and Finance’, ‘Occult Secrets of Vril, Species with Amnesia: Our Forgotten History’, ‘Spezies mit Amnesie: Unsere vergessene Geschichte,’ ‘ Species with … Read more

Wolf Watch: Nazis Vs. Freemasons

Paris, June 14, 1940: German troops parade on the Champs Elysees. The same day, special units loot the headquarters of French Masonic Obedience. By order of Alfred Rosenberg, the Nazi Party theorist, obsessed with the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy theory, they collect tons of archives and precious books and ship them to Berlin. The aim is threefold: … Read more

Corporate Fascism: Destruction Of America

This explores a new kind of fascism: the merger of corporations and government whereby corporate power dominates. With the emergence of ever-larger multinational corporations — due to consolidation facilitated by endless FIAT money — the corporatocracy has been in a position to purchase the US Congress. As a result, many of the nation’s laws have … Read more

Climate Hustle (Parts I & II)

In the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Member States express their commitment to protect the planet from degradation and take urgent action on climate change. The Agenda also identifies, in paragraph 14, climate change as “one of the greatest challenges of our time” and worries that “its adverse impacts undermine the ability of all countries … Read more

Scientism Exposed (Parts I & II)

Scientism is the view that science and the scientific method are the best or only way to render truth about the world and reality. What if there has been an agenda to keep people from the Truth of God? What if everything modern-day science has taught you about your origins is wrong? Make no mistake; … Read more

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