Louder Than Love: Chris & Chester

2017 was tragic as singers Chris Cornell (Soundgarden) and Chester Bennington (Linkin Park) met an untimely demise full of inconsistencies and loose ends. They were taken out due to their involvement in denouncing human trafficking and pedophilia. Forensics, timelines, and testimonies point out a macabre conspiracy to murder both men in a ritualistic fashion, faking … Read more

Films By Total Disclosure

We already migrated all of our films to this platform. Thank you so much for your support and patience! You get to watch hundreds of exclusive videos by SUBSCRIBING plus get access to our PDF library. Over 200 episodes will be unlocked once you acquire a membership plan. This is a list of original productions by Total … Read more

Why Should You Become A Member?

When you decide to support legitimate researchers and investigators, the quality of information you procure will improve to adequate standards. The fact is that the truther movement has been infiltrated and co-opted into becoming the opposite of its original intentions and purpose. That’s not the case with everyone, of course, as some of us always … Read more

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve been trying to register, and it won’t let me. This website works better on computers and tablets than on mobiles. iPhone mobiles have proven to be more problematic, while Android seems to have fewer problems. Technical malfunctions seem to come and go, however. We are working on an Apple app, but it will take … Read more

Satan In Hollywood (2024)

Hollywood has long been associated with the occult, starting with the pagan origin of its name and ending with the inevitable price most rich and famous have to pay in order to prevail and ascend. Back in the early days, these tendencies were less common and blatant, using casual grooming on the public and preparing … Read more

The Zandvoort Affair: Marc Dutroux

The Zandvoort Affair centers upon the discovery of a massive child exploitation ring when one of the culprits was murdered by another member. “His apartment in the Dutch town of Zandvoort was found to contain ‘thousands of child abuse files stored on computer disks,’ as well as ‘hundreds of addresses of suspected suppliers and clients,”. … Read more

Testimony: Juliette Rose Bryant

Juliette Rose Bryant is a fearless woman who was trafficked by Jeffrey Epstein, the most prolific pedophile and child sex trafficker in modern American history. Aided by his handler, Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein usually looked for vulnerable girls coming from broken homes who were in need of funds to groom into sexual servitude. Once they were … Read more

Who ”They” Are: The Jesuit Order

The secretive and powerful roles of the Jesuits, Opus Dei, and the Knights of Malta within the Catholic Church have long sparked fascination and conspiracy theories. These organizations are often portrayed as part of a shadowy power structure that operates behind the scenes of the Vatican. Speculation runs deeper when tied to the idea of … Read more

Where Are The Children?

Every 40 seconds, a child goes missing or is abducted in the United States. Approximately 840,000 minors are reported missing each year, and the F.B.I. estimates that between 85 and 90 percent of these are children. While most reports of missing or abducted children are resolved within hours, many involve situations where a child goes … Read more

The Dark World Of Megachurches

I had never heard of megachurches, Televangelists, or the Prosperity Gospel until I stumbled across Lisa Guerrero’s infamous interview with Kenneth Copeland on Inside Edition. What ensued was a dive into a rabbit hole unlike any other, from corrupt preachers to lavish lifestyles, claims of miracle healings, cultish followings, and New Age/New Thought concepts. A … Read more

True Crime: Jake Paul Exposed

Jake Joseph Paul is an American professional boxer, influencer, and actor. He began his career posting videos on Vine and had amassed 5.3 million followers and 2 billion views before the app was discontinued. Throughout his career, Paul has become the subject of many controversies due to his behavior, including being charged with criminal trespass … Read more

The Synagogue Of Satan

The Synagogue of Satan: Updated, Expanded, and Uncensored is the most damning exposure of who’s been running the world behind the scenes for centuries. Andrew Carrington Hitchcock’s groundbreaking historical study is a virtual encyclopedia of this criminal network, spanning over 140,000 words. The entire book is included in this documentary. Included within the wealth of … Read more

Soaked In Bleach: Kurt Cobain’s Murder

This documentary reveals the events behind Kurt Cobain’s death, as seen through the eyes of Tom Grant, the private investigator who was hired by Courtney Love in 1994 to track down her missing husband (Kurt Cobain) only days before his deceased body was found at their Seattle home. Cobain’s death was ruled a suicide by … Read more

Nick Broomfield’s Kurt & Courtney

After rocker Kurt Cobain’s death was ruled a suicide, a film crew arrived in Seattle to make a documentary. Director Nick Broomfield talks to lots of people: Cobain’s aunt, who provides home movies and recordings; the estranged father of Cobain’s widow Courtney Love; an L.A. private investigator who worked for Love; a nanny for Kurt … Read more

Surviving Ritual Abuse With Rachel Vaughan

It’s still “all about the children.”  We’ve gone over the revelations of how rampant child abuse has been.  We learned about “child grooming” and new legislation to protect our children against it.  After that, we crawled down the rabbit hole to learn about “MK Ultra,” the CIA-sponsored brainwashing and trafficking program. This time, we’ll go … Read more

Bringing Down Jeffrey Epstein

The Conscious Resistance Networks presents Bringing Down Jeffrey Epstein. Jeffrey Epstein was an American financier and child sex offender. Born and raised in New York City, Epstein began his professional career as a teacher at the Dalton School despite lacking a college degree. After his dismissal from school in 1976, he entered the banking and … Read more

Matthew North: Joe Rogan Exposed

CIA gatekeeper Joe Rogan was exposed by the late Matthew North, who was shot in the head and murdered while inside his car after making this video. He was barely 22 years old; may he rest in peace. Matthew exposed the Zionist disinformation networks that dominate today’s so-called alternative media and the Kalergi Plan. This … Read more

The Kalergi Plan: White Genocide

The Kalergi Plan was exposed by the late Matthew North, who was shot in the head and murdered while inside his car, for his exposure of the Zionist disinformation networks that dominate today’s so-called alternative media. He was barely 22 years old; may he rest in peace. The genocidal Kalergi plan aims to destroy the … Read more

The Complete Jeffrey Epstein Series

The Martyr Made podcast tells the stories of real people who made history and the situations that shaped them. Jeffrey Epstein was an American financier and child sex offender. Born and raised in New York City, Epstein began his professional career as a teacher at the Dalton School despite lacking a college degree. After his … Read more

The Martyr Made Podcast

The Martyr Made podcast tells the stories of real people who made history and the situations that shaped them. BACK TO MENUMORE FREE FILMSTOTAL DISCLOSURE FILMS GET SOME MERCHBECOME A MEMBER

The Secret Masonic Victory Of WW2

Western Freemasonry and their Masonic Eastern communist friends won WW2, with everything we see today stemming from that secret holy war. The aim of Freemasonry and all secret societies is a one-world government led by a false messiah with a single-world religion in a communist utopia. Freemasonry is an anti-Christian religious cult rooted in paganism, … Read more

The Gateway: Teal Swan Exposed

Teal Swan is an internet spiritual guru who produces hypnotic self-help YouTube videos aimed at people who are struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts. Many of her videos share unorthodox messages about mental health with hundreds of thousands of fans who follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and in person. When I finally clicked one, I … Read more

Stew Peters: Occupied (Zionist Infiltration)

Their poisonous tentacles now strangle every leading position and institution in the land, leading to the normalization of disgusting societal practices such as usury, transgenderism, pedophilia, communism, and the destruction of the nuclear family. The rule of law is absent because one small group of people completely controls the flow of information and money. America … Read more

We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook

On December 14, 2012, a mass shooting occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, United States. The alleged perpetrator, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, shot and killed 26 people. The alleged victims were 20 children between six and seven years old and six adult staff members. Earlier that day, before driving to the school, Lanza … Read more

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