
*Please SUBSCRIBE to a membership plan to watch all episodes. Once you do, 200+ exclusive episodes will be unlocked and you will become part of the Total Disclosure family. This is a list of original productions by Total Disclosure, for other films access the WOLF WATCH.



18 thoughts on “Films”

  1. I love your videos…great work, Thankyou for bringing light into the darkness

    Gods blessings to you,

    (Your fundraiser link on the films page is broken❤️‍🩹)

  2. Dude so sorry to hear about everything you have gone through with Red lion films.That guy is obviously a fucking scam artist.Trying to get by off the talents of others such as yourself.Imean just looking at the guy gives me the creeps.He will get what he has coming to him People like that dont make it very far before falling flat on their faces.You have a natural god given talent.Guaranteed to succeed!!!

  3. What a great looking site! And unlike Good Lion things actually load. Thank you for the free 2 year membership, Alessandro. Looking forward to Louder Than Love and more films which will expose everything! Blessings to you and Mrs du Chatel!

    • Chris, brother, it’s a pleasure and hope you can make the most of it. We don’t know how long we have until shit really hits the fan but until then we wish to help everyone and ourselves to prepare better! My wife and I will be forever grateful for your support and kindness, especially when things were tougher for us. You have good friends in Europe, always!

  4. Thank you for all your hard work on these videos. Michael Hutchence death has haunted me for a long time and that is how I found you. Have you ever thought of doing a series on Paul Walker? Thanks again and God Bless!

    • You are most welcome Kathy, his death was a complete tragedy that could have been avoided had he had better judgement in my opinion. Messing with Paula Yates was a bad idea from the getgo, not to mention befriending Colin Diamond, probably his worst mistake. I have thought about doing Paul Walker, I will throw it on a poll and see how much support the film would have – God bless you and yours 🙂

      The last poll came like this:
      1. Epstein’s Flight Logs
      2. The Kalergi Plan
      3. The Clinton Body Count
      4. The Murder of Kurt Cobain

  5. Glad to see the site is up and running and looking so great! Oh, and I can actually get where I want to go in a minimal amount of time, unlike some other sites I’ve used 🙂
    God’s richest blessings to you and yours as you share the truth. So many people are turning to Christ as they see what the world really is – a cesspool – and that’s what it’s all about. Love you!

  6. Hello, Alessandro — My sister and I are so excited about your fabulous, easy-to-navigate website! Alessandro, you are a divinely talented researcher and documentarian. May God continue to bless and protect you, your wife, and entire family in Jesus Christ’s glorious name.

    With gratitude from Chicago, USA

    P.S. I so cannot wait for your “Controlled Opposition” documentary!!!

  7. Love every Documentary You have made so far. Your work is Outstanding. This is the most Truth I have seen put out. Your Trustworthy on Your Information. I had wondered about Leon Russel and Joe Cocker and the Almond Brothers Band and what happened to them? Leon had Great talent yet He was pushed aside for so long. maybe do a documentary on them sometime? Thank You for Your Work. It means everything! God Bless

  8. Sorry, the black bacground with white or gold text? Forget it. Gives me a headache, literally, but keep up the good work!!


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