Fear & Loathing In Venezuela

Everything in this story is ”alleged” and based on our sources: Things we were told are facts. However, we cannot fact-check everything written here, and what we were able to fact-check was translated to us through both Russian and Spanish interpreters, leaving room for error. However, we believe it and leave it to you to make up your mind. This blind was written by a dear friend whose real identity will remain anonymous, as he was suicided shortly after publishing this piece. I was in constant communication with his fiancée and one of his former colleagues, and things didn’t add up. The criminals exposed here are Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and their guests. This included not just the billionaires, politicians, and celebs but the top leaders of this country. It’s not hard to connect the dots between this country, a legendary political family from America, and a super-tough lawyer (or two) who are the weak links in the cover-up for Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein’s actions. It was part of the lawyers’ spin plans back when the pedophile was accused for the first time. Little did they know that many years later, those news quotes and even YouTube videos would rear their heads to point the way to lead people to connect the dots.

Episode 01

Episode 02

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4 thoughts on “Fear & Loathing In Venezuela”

  1. I am an 89 yr old widow on below poverty Soc.Sec. fighting corruption in every aspect of our lives. You’ll find me on many alternative sites as Feisty Granny (one spelled Faisty Granny). I post to many Rumble blogs, X, etc.

  2. I would subscribe as I have so much disdain and animosity for this insudeousness. I could say more but I’ll leave it at that. Keep up the good fight.


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