Wolf Watch: Christian Zionism 2

Christian Zionism is a modern theological and political movement that embraces the most extreme ideological positions of Zionism, thereby becoming detrimental to a just peace within Palestine and Israel. The Christian Zionist program provides a worldview where the Gospel is identified with the ideology of empire, colonialism, and militarism. In its extreme form, it emphasizes … Read more

Wolf Watch: Sensus Fidelium

This is a Catholic channel that does interviews, book reviews, podcasts and makes videos of sermons into a slideshow feature to activate more senses to increase learning. The work aims to educate the faithful to increase their piety, knowledge, devotion, and love of the one true church in the hopes of evangelizing and bringing others … Read more

Wolf Watch: Vatican Secret Societies

This documentary focuses on the unknown history of the setting up of the American Colonies, and the influences of the Roman Catholic Church and the Jesuit order in the Establishment of the Sovereign Constitutional Republican Nation States of America. The truth has been modified by the Society of Jesus and the people indoctrinated via their … Read more

Wolf Watch: Jesuits Oath

Some have called this documentary the greatest expose of the Jesuit Order ever produced. It details the history of the Jesuit Order from 1534 to the present day. It exposes the Order’s “Black Hand” in the course of history, including the French Revolution, Napoleonic Wars, the Bolshevik Revolution, and subsequent communist and fascist dictatorships of … Read more

The Black Nobility (Part 2)

You can read Part I HERE. I established some links between the Black Nobility and the European Royals, and some of their schemes. As far as “low-level” players go, The Grosvenor clan in England is worth mentioning. This family lived as most of the European families did for centuries, on ground rent. Today the family … Read more

The Black Nobility (Part 1)

The Papal Bloodlines are the secret, shadow hierarchy of the Jesuit Order controlling the Black Pope. These powerful bloodlines are the Breakspear, Somaglia, Orsini, Farnese, and Aldobrandini. These five dominating families unite with the Borgia, Chigi, Colonna, Conti, Este, Medici, Pallavicini, and Pamphili to form the ancient 13th Saturnalian bloodlines. The most powerful man right … Read more

Ciro Orsini (Part 2)

FREE Podcast available HERE. During Ciro Orsini I, I did my best to expose his role in human trafficking and Luciferian secret societies. I also showed some of his associates like Sacha Stone. During this delivery, I focused on his criminal ties and Black Nobility bloodline. Earlier this week, I was publishing a piece about child … Read more

Ciro Orsini (Part I)

FREE Podcast available HERE. During the Sacha Stone deep dives, I hinted at his connection with mafioso Ciro Orsini, so let me expand. Ciro Orsini was born on January 1st, 1965, in Naples, Italy. He’s not only a known restauranteur but also a proud member of the Orsini papal bloodline. I’ll expand on the bloodline later, but … Read more

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