Evidence Of Revision: Murder Of America

Evidence of Revision is a six-part documentary containing historical, original news footage revealing that the most seminal events in recent American history have been deeply and purposefully misrepresented to the public. Archival footage and interviews provide an in-depth exploration of events ranging from the Kennedy assassination to the murder of Martin Luther King Jr. and … Read more

Drugs As Weapons Against Us

Drugs as Weapons Against Us presents evidence that the CIA’s Project MK-Ultra manipulated musicians and activists to promote drugs for social control, particularly regarding the Civil Rights and anti-war movements. The evidence further supports that intelligence agents murdered some of these musicians and activists when they resisted intelligence manipulations. U.S. intelligence targeted musicians such as … Read more

Anneke Lucas: Alandra Markman

Alandra Markman is an SRA survivor, poet-on-demand, healer, and meditation teacher. In this interview, he shares about the extreme trauma he experienced from birth onward, about how he escaped the cult, and about his years of healing. Anneke Lucas is an author, speaker, advocate for child sex trafficking victims, founder of the non-profit organization Liberation … Read more

Survivor Stories: Anneke Lucas

Anneke Lucas is an author, speaker, advocate for child sex trafficking victims, founder of the non-profit organization Liberation Prison Yoga, and creator of the Unconditional Model. Her work is based on her personal experience of a 30-year healing journey after surviving being sold by her family as a child sex slave to a pedophile network. … Read more

The Internet’s Own Boy: Aaron Swartz

This well-regarded film depicts the life of American child prodigy, computer programmer, writer, political organizer, and Internet activist Aaron Swartz. As a programmer, Swartz helped develop the web feed format RSS, the technical architecture for Creative Commons, the website framework web.py, and the lightweight markup language format Markdown. Swartz was involved in developing the social … Read more

9/11: Decade Of Deception

On the tenth anniversary of the attacks of September 11th, 2001, expert witnesses gathered at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada, to present evidence-based research that called into question the official story of 9/11. They showed their findings on various scientific subjects based on a review of the known facts studied over the last decade. Over … Read more

September 11: The New Pearl Harbor

“September 11: The New Pearl Harbor” is a five-hour documentary summarizing 12 years of public debate on 9/11. Illegal wars and thousands of innocents killed based on the fraudulent narrative, which is taken apart by this thorough film. After all those years, 9/11 still dictates Western policies and the loss of civilians’ rights. All the … Read more

The Rise Of American Satanism

There has been a subtle agenda to introduce satanism into society and make it go mainstream. Satanism refers to a group of religious, ideological, and philosophical beliefs based on Satan (also called Lucifer) – particularly his worship. Satan is a figure of the devil in Christian belief, a fallen angel and leader of the devils … Read more

Derek Johnson Exposed

Derek Johnson’s Twitter Bio reads: ”Donald John Trump is Commander-in-Chief via Military Occupancy and Continuity of Government via Laws & Orders found in my Documents I’m noted for.” When he is not berating and threatening those who question the veracity of his intel, Derek can be found spreading the psyop among conservatives that Trump is … Read more

Wolf Watch: Shadow Government

John Wilson wakes up, prepares for his day, and heads to work. He has no idea that he’s being watched, tracked, and studied. Is he a threat to national security? Is he a terrorist or a criminal? No, he’s an ordinary American citizen. Like everyone else, John’s rights and freedoms have been systematically destroyed – … Read more

Running With The Devil: John McAfee

The life and death of software pioneer John McAfee, a British-American computer programmer, businessman, and two-time presidential candidate who sought the Libertarian Party nomination for president of the United States in 2016 and in 2020. John wrote the first commercial anti-virus software in 1987, named after himself. He resided for several years in Belize but … Read more

The New Age And The Occult

Occultist Alice Bailey wrote a long time ago about their plans to infiltrate the church by using terms that sound Christian and yet teach occult practices. The fundamental belief system of a new age practitioner is that God — who they usually refer to as ‘source energy,’ the ‘divine creator,’ or the ‘universe’ — has … Read more

Testimony: Ex-Satanist Jonas Lukuntu Mpala

Prepare yourself for the hair-raising, bone-chilling account of Jonas Lukuntu Mpala, who once walked in the shadows as an agent of Satan. His testimony, fraught with peril and darkness, is a testament to the transformative power of redemption. Discover how the radiant, saving grace of Jesus Christ broke his infernal chains and rescued him from … Read more

Holy Heartbeats: Christ Centered Testimonies

Disclaimer: The testimonies shared on my channel are presented as they were received, and they reflect the personal experiences and perspectives of the individuals who have kindly shared their stories. I do not claim to verify or authenticate the events recounted in these testimonies. The content is intended to promote open dialogue and understanding, and … Read more

Ted Gunderson: FBI Whistleblower

In this chilling exposé by former FBI special agent Ted Gunderson, viewers are taken on a harrowing journey through the darkest corners of government cover-ups and covert operations. Gunderson’s narrative reveals a shadowy network of individuals involved in terrorism, drug trafficking, and mind control programs, with his investigations into high-profile cases such as the McMartin … Read more

MK Ultra: Mind Control Program In Canada

Starting in the late 1980s, both the CIA and the Canadian government became embroiled in lawsuits related to mind control experiments on human subjects at Montreal’s Allan Memorial Institute. They reached compensation settlements with many of the victims. To unhide this content, you must first REGISTER a FREE account. FREE FILMSTOTAL DISCLOSURE FILMS GET SOME … Read more

CBC News: The Fifth State

The top-notch team of hosts Bob McKeown, Gillian Findlay, Mark Kelley, and Habiba Nosheen provides unique and engaging documentaries from Canada and beyond. “The Fifth Estate” refers to the Fourth Estate and was chosen to highlight the program’s determination to go beyond everyday news into original journalism. The series has won numerous awards for its … Read more

Magicians And Demons

Many tricks real magicians perform require demonic help. Chinese face changers have dozens of masks and even whole gowns replaced instantly. Demons read minds and tell the magician, transport items at incredible speed, levitate them, or move them through solid objects. However, David Copperfield going through the Great Wall of China is a hoax. You … Read more

Tucker On X: #94 Pavel Durov

The social media app Telegram has over 900 million users worldwide. Its founder, Pavel Durov, sat down with us at his offices in Dubai for his first on-camera interview in almost a decade. As a serious Telegram user, I find this interview to be of utmost importance to those using the messaging platform. To unhide … Read more

Wolf Watch: Tucker Carlson On X

Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson is an American conservative political commentator and writer who hosted the nightly political talk show ”Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Fox News from 2016 to 2023. Since his contract was terminated, he started the series ”Tucker on X,” hosting a series that includes political news, commentary, monologues, and current affairs. He was … Read more

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