The War On Democracy

Award-winning journalist John Pilger examines the role of Washington in America’s manipulation of Latin American politics during the last 50 years leading up to the struggle by ordinary people to free themselves from poverty and racism. Since the mid 19th Century, Latin America has been the ‘backyard’ of the US, a collection of mostly vassal … Read more

Fear & Loathing In Venezuela

Everything in this story is ”alleged” and based on our sources: Things we were told are facts. However, we cannot fact-check everything written here, and what we were able to fact-check was translated to us through both Russian and Spanish interpreters, leaving room for error. However, we believe it and leave it to you to … Read more

Fear & Loathing In Venezuela

As most of us who have studied how the cabal in Hollywood works, we know Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington died because they were about to expose some of their “friends”, acquaintances and business partners…

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