Testimony: ”Nick Alvear And J6”

First, I want to thank you for helping others in these deceitful times and keeping my identity private. I’m still working in the film industry and living in New York. My wife and child rely on my income to survive. I am sure you understand, brother. We read your page daily and know how much … Read more

Derek Johnson Exposed

Derek Johnson’s Twitter Bio reads: ”Donald John Trump is Commander-in-Chief via Military Occupancy and Continuity of Government via Laws & Orders found in my Documents I’m noted for.” When he is not berating and threatening those who question the veracity of his intel, Derek can be found spreading the psyop among conservatives that Trump is … Read more

Teaser: Controlled Opposition Chronicles

Promises made, promises kept. Many times, I felt like totally dropping this for obvious reasons. It can be cringe to see two men dish it out in public, but one has to be firm and steady when it comes to family. Anyone threatening my marriage will get the worst side of me: Take that as … Read more

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