Red Flags: Four LASD Suicides In 24 Hours

Last week, the deaths of three current and one former LA Sheriff’s Department employees by ”suicide” within 24 hours prompted a plea for police staff to check on the wellbeing of colleagues. Veteran commander Darren Harris (56) was found dead in his home in Santa Clarita at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, November 6th. Harris was … Read more

Wolf Watch: The Greatest Lie Ever Told

Candace Owens revisits Minneapolis and the violent, racially divided aftermath that fueled BLM’s global rise and filled its coffers. Why did authorities not release the exculpatory evidence earlier to prevent the violence, looting, destruction, and death? The police didn’t kill Floyd. Why did they let cities burn? Authorities deliberately withheld evidence that could have cleared … Read more

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