Conspiracy Theory: Season 3

Former Navy Underwater Demolition Team (UDT), professional wrestler, actor, and Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura examines various conspiracy theories on subjects such as global warming, the September 11 attacks, secret societies, government surveillance, and secret weapons projects. In the first season, Ventura teams up with a group of investigators consisting of skeptic Alex Piper, reporter … Read more

New York: Chabad Underground Tunnels

The scandal/coverup of the week went mainstream thanks to a video revealing the inside of a bizarre tunnel built by a group of Hasidic Jewish men underneath a historic Brooklyn synagogue. The footage leads viewers down stairs and through hallways to a dirt-filled room where a roughly 2-foot-by-2-foot grate has been removed from the wall of the building, … Read more

Wolf Watch: The Corbett Report

An award-winning investigative journalist, James Corbett has lectured on geopolitics at the University of Groningen’s Studium Generale, and delivered presentations on open source journalism at The French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation’s fOSSa conference, at TedXGroningen and at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto. He started The Corbett Report website in 2007 as an … Read more

Wolf Watch: The Primordial Code

What if you visit a place where you’re confronted with our history that turns out to be much different than the one you were always led to believe? How a false narrative has managed to keep the whole foundation of our being in its grip by shifting reality into myths. A story of how oppression … Read more

Silenced: Gonzalo Lira Killed In Ukraine

The U.S. Department of State has confirmed the death of citizen journalist Gonzalo Lira last Thursday, January 11, while detained. ”We can confirm the death of a United States citizen in Ukraine. We offer our sincerest condolences to the family on their loss. We stand ready to provide all appropriate consular assistance. Out of respect … Read more

Conspiracy Theory: Season 2

Former Navy Underwater Demolition Team (UDT), professional wrestler, actor, and Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura examines various conspiracy theories on subjects such as global warming, the September 11 attacks, secret societies, government surveillance, and secret weapons projects. In the first season, Ventura teams up with a group of investigators consisting of skeptic Alex Piper, reporter … Read more

Conspiracy Theory: Season 1

Former Navy Underwater Demolition Team (UDT), professional wrestler, actor, and Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura examines various conspiracy theories on subjects such as global warming, the September 11 attacks, secret societies, government surveillance, and secret weapons projects. In the first season, Ventura teams up with a group of investigators consisting of skeptic Alex Piper, reporter … Read more

Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura

Former Navy Underwater Demolition Team (UDT), professional wrestler, actor, and Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura examines various conspiracy theories on subjects such as global warming, the September 11 attacks, secret societies, government surveillance, and secret weapons projects. In the first season, Ventura teams up with a group of investigators consisting of skeptic Alex Piper, reporter … Read more

Shaking My Head Productions

Shaking My Head Productions is a 49-year-old one-man operation in Orlando, Florida, that has been trying to bring you the truth since 2016. ”I would like to thank all the watchmen out there who have been sounding the alarm over the last several years. Some of your content opened my eyes to all of the … Read more

Service Members Vs. Vax Mandates

More than 200 active service members and veterans have signed an open letter seeking accountability over the harm caused by the Department of Defense’s (DOD) implementation of the now-rescinded COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The open letter, published on January 1st, is directed to the American people but names specific senior military leaders that the signers claim enabled lawlessness … Read more

The Great Culling: Our Water

Fluoride is an inorganic, monatomic anion of fluorine, whose salts are typically white or colorless. Fluoride salts typically have distinctive bitter tastes and are odorless. In 1945, Grand Rapids became the first city in the world to fluoridate its drinking water. The Grand Rapids water fluoridation study was originally sponsored by the U.S. Surgeon General … Read more

Dr. Luc Montagnier: Water Memory

Water is the key element of life, but new information is coming to light on the element that we thought we were so familiar with information that could potentially reimagine our tree of life. That is the belief shared by the advocates of a surprising theory called “water memory”. For the Nobel Prize laureate Professor … Read more

Dental Meridians And Root Canals

Dr. Dawn Ewing explains that many years ago dentistry came up with the concept of trying to taxidermy a tooth. The name for this is root canal therapy. Medicine would not taxidermy an organ or body part and leave dead tissue to degrade, but dentistry is not medicine. Some dentists will even tell you they … Read more

Wolf Watch: Convex Earth

After seven years of research on the shape of the Earth, scientific experiments conducted by Brazilian researchers at Dakila Pesquisas, in partnership with professional scientists from different parts of Brazil and other countries, such as the United States, Russia, Chile, Holland, Spain, have demonstrated that the Earth is not spherical. Through images obtained by various … Read more

The Terrible Fraud Of Transgender Medicine

At the Teens4Truth Conference, in Fort Worth, Texas, on November 18, 2017, a physician who was in the Johns Hopkins University Hospital group where “transgender medicine” was developed described the lies, bad practice, and outright fraud behind that movement. Quentin Van Meter, MD, FCP is a pediatric endocrinologist and a Fellow of the American College … Read more

Michigan: Radical Imam Calls For Jihad

Ahmad Musa Jibril, a Michigan Islamist preacher, has called on American Muslims to wage Jihad while suggesting that in the time following the October 7 incident between Hamas, Mossad, and Israeli civilians, young Muslims should understand that ”the infidel West, particularly the US, are the enemies of Muslims.” He also urged Muslim mothers to ”nurse … Read more

The Hidden Cult: Jewish Ritual Murder

For most of history, belief in Jewish ritual murder was acceptable and widely accepted. Naturally, the Jews aren’t the only group who have practiced (and might still practice) ritual murder. Historically, it is fairly common: the Aztecs, numerous African tribes, and the ancient Carthinagians come to mind. But since WW2, with the rise of Jewish … Read more

Jim Marrs: Rule By Secrecy

In Rule by Secrecy, Jim Marrs painstakingly examines the world’s most closely guarded secrets, tracing the history of secret societies and the power they have wielded, from the ancient mysteries to modern-day conspiracy theories. Searching for truth, he uncovers disturbing evidence that the real movers and shakers of the world collude to start and stop … Read more

Hawaii: Zuckerberg’s Underground Bunker

Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta (formerly known as Facebook), is building a massive compound on the Hawaiian island of Kauai, featuring an escape hatch and a massive doomsday underground bunker. The details of the secretive project have emerged following an investigation by WIRED, citing sources and documents obtained through public records requests: ”Off the two-lane … Read more

Wolf Watch: The Hittites

A sweeping epic two-hour docu-drama on the Hittites, a major empire and civilization that ruled between 1650 and 1200 BC and forever changed the landscape of the ancient Near East and modern Western civilization. Shot in 35 locations in Turkey, Syria, and Egypt, with photography in historical sites and museums plus on-location interviews with world-renowned … Read more

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