Wolf Watch: Marching To Zion

For over 1800 years, the Jews were scattered throughout all nations without a homeland. Then, in 1948, the impossible happened. The State of Israel was founded, and the Jews once again possessed the promised land. Many Christians have proclaimed this to be a miracle and a blessing from God, but was this really the blessing … Read more

Wolf Watch: Sacrificial Virgins

Is the next Thalidomide-style scandal about to break? How many young girls are being seriously damaged by the vaccine, with the highest reported adverse reactions of any existing vaccine? The Human Papilloma Vaccine (HPV) is a treatment in widespread use. Still, its efficacy in preventing cancer is medically unproven, while unintended, adverse reactions are blighting … Read more

Wolf Watch: Devil Worship

Geraldo Rivera investigates allegations of a widespread Satanic underground in the United States. He talks to investigators and looks at occult crimes and ritual murders that have been committed in the United States. He also speaks to self-identified Satanists who deny that Satanism is a dangerous religion. During the 1980s, the term ”Satanic Panic” caught … Read more

Red Dragon: Exposing The CCP

The proponents of the great leap forward, the cultural revolution, the one-child policy, and many other failures now want to extend their barbarian ways to the West. As the United States renders harmless under Joe Biden’s command, the Asian threat now turns its eyes to Taiwan, and from there, the rest of the world. Their … Read more

Wolf Watch: Unacceptable Views

Before they had reached the national capital, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau referred to the convoy of truckers and their like-minded supporters as a ”small fringe minority”. Two weeks later, he was facing an institutional crisis. Brave patriots from all over Canada united in a way that was seldom seen before anywhere. In the process, they … Read more

Wolf Watch: Eyes Of The Devil

This film explores the underground world of trafficking, where children are used for prostitution and organ harvesting. Patryk Vega interviews a totally detached mother who intends to sell her unborn child to traffickers and pedophiles. While the internet speculates about the veracity of the facts exposed in this documentary, the director’s style has been criticized … Read more

The Pope & The Pimp: Natacha Jaitt

In March 2018, Natacha Jaitt accused journalists and politicians of being child abusers during a pedophilia investigation in the Club Atlético Independiente. The model named people like Alejandro Fantino, Marcelo Bielsa, Gustavo Vera, and the antipope, Jorge Bergoglio. The accusations filed with the prosecutor María Soledad Garibaldi, who may have been working for intelligence, caused … Read more

Elegantly Wasted: Michael Hutchence

Before his death, Michael Hutchence was involved in a legal battle with Bob Geldof, a high-ranked member of Ordo Templi Orientis and knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. Girlfriend Paula Yates suggested that the Boomtown Rats singer was suspect as he warned them: “Don’t forget, Im above the law.” On November 22nd, Michael was found dead … Read more

Eyes Wide Open: Stanley Kubrick

The films directed by Stanley Kubrick were diverse and drenched with cleverly infused messages, hundreds of them. Child abuse, the military-industrial complex, mind control, artificial intelligence, fluoride poisoning, and sheer psychological violence formed part of his repertoire. While some think he was the man behind the Apollo 11 Moon landing psyop, in the end, revealing … Read more

SRA Factory: Balenciaga

Nowadays, the fashion industry is, for the most part, a futile vortex of vanity and inadequacy that has ultimately devolved into a very effective front for elite child sex trafficking. An advertising campaign for Balenciaga’s Spring/Summer 2023 collection featured two photos of toddler girls holding stuffed animals in bondage gear and child porn court documents … Read more

Tears In Heaven: A Pro-Life Film

Some proponents of legal abortion believe it’s a safe procedure that protects lives. That conviction based on ignorance is a lighter burden than knowingly participating in infanticide and selling baby body parts to the highest bidder. Proponents of life believe abortion is murder because life begins at conception (When the sperm cell fertilizes an egg … Read more

For A Better Day: Avicii (Tim Bergling)

The Swedish musician and producer known as ”Avicii” died at 28 years old on April 20, 2018, in Oman. The media speculated his death was due to drugs and alcohol despite his sobriety. Others claimed it was due to his poor health despite the fact it improved after he quit touring. Tim Bergling made his … Read more

The Lizard King: Jim Morrison

The singer for the rock band The Doors personified the debaucherous, uninhibited lifestyle of the 1960s. Jim Morrison has become a legendary figure, fueled to prominence by a score of books, articles, films, and myths. The rock shaman had a penchant for danger, and soon enough, he found himself immersed in the occult, participating in … Read more

The Curse Of Led Zeppelin

The English band Led Zeppelin is regarded by many as the grandfathers of the “Heavy Metal” genre, along with Black Sabbath and Deep Purple. By 1973, they had sold more albums than any other band worldwide. However, their story will forever find itself intertwined with the occult. Guitarist Jimmy Page’s obsession with the likes of … Read more

The Little Tyrant: Justin Trudeau

From day one, Justin Trudeau got immersed in politics as the ”son” of late Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and his wife Margaret Sinclair. In reality, the current prime minister is the son of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, whom his mother once called ”the sexiest man alive.” Fast forward a few decades later, and now … Read more

Escape From Haiti: Monica Petersen

Monica Petersen was found dead by hanging on November 13th, 2016, in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. She was an activist who worked at the Human Trafficking Center in Colorado as a Research Fellow and the Director’s Assistant. The latter, at the time, was her professor Claude D’estrée, a former Dyncorp employee with links to the deep state … Read more

The Wicked: Aleister Crowley

Aleister Crowley was an English criminal, occultist, novelist, and mountaineer. He is considered by many to be the most notorious black magician of the 20th century, as many still follow his cult, Thelema. The man nicknamed “the beast” is guilty of crimes against children, as he indulged in sex magick and satanic ritual abuse as … Read more

Boulder’s Sacrifice: JonBenét Ramsay

The official version says that in the early morning hours of December 26, 1996, John and Patsy Ramsey awoke to find their six-year-old daughter, JonBenét Ramsey, missing from her bed at their home in Boulder, Colorado. They woke up early to prepare for a trip when Patsy discovered a ransom note on the stairs demanding … Read more

Order Out Of Chaos: Freemasonry

Freemasonry is, without a doubt, one of the world’s largest and most powerful secret societies today. While deceiving, sinister, and destructive, the cult still maintains a significant position of influence worldwide. Freemasonry has prided itself in its cherished secrets, secret handshakes, and nefarious rituals. For years, the cult has concealed its practices and teaching behind … Read more

Maxima’s Sister: Inés Zorreguieta

Inés Zorreguieta was murdered on June 6, 2018, in her apartment located in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is best known as the favorite sister of Queen Máxima of the Netherlands. Ines was a psychologist who worked as a researcher for the United Nations and Argentina’s Ministry of Social Development. She was an official of the … Read more

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