Traffic, Bed & Breakfast: Airbnb

Yes, Airbnb is for traveling, just as Facebook is for social media, except that it has never turned a profit. And so, how are their CEOs wealthy? How has the company been able to sustain this success mystique in the corporate world? Despite this, darker secrets hide in the company’s closet: Human trafficking, pedophilia, sexual abuse, and even murder happen weekly.

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Episode 01

Episode 02

Episode 03

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6 thoughts on “Traffic, Bed & Breakfast: Airbnb”

  1. il be honest, i just watched all three videos which took me over an hour. The first video was fine telling us how Airbnb started, it got a little redundant by the end of the film. Film 2 was very frustrating, ., because you continued to. , run how Abnb started, it’s not until 1/2-2/3 of the way through that the subject gets changed. Film 3 felt like an infomercial for security equipment, which is fine, but where’s the information on the child trafficking that was in the title of the film? it felt like you were sayin it was possible but i want to know is if it has, where it has, how many times and so on. cut these films down to 30 minutes total or change the title

    • Hey there! These are documentary series, this one for example is 14 episodes long. However, I dont disagree with you and moving forward I intend to make my series more concise – This one in particular about Airbnb is my least favorite series from the ones I have produced. That said, the series does get intense starting episode 5. I felt it was important to set the base for what Airbnb really is as a business model and what shadow hands participated in it. Episode 3 is indeed me trying to teach people how to protect themselves from being filmed without knowledge as I felt so much people use this platform (hotels are not that much safer) that it was crucial for me to assist in that. I appreciate your critique and I will work to improve the content in more well-rounded manner. God bless!

  2. Thanks for the work you do. I use VRBO I have never used Airbb. I was scared to after an I fant overdosed on a fentanol pill from the air bb not being cleaned well. I Like VRBO because they make you stay about 3 nights and that cuts out most of the young kids party one nighter crowds. I had no idea air bb had cameras. I’ll be looking in my VRBO now. I love your info you come up with. I wish I new how to have a web page. The rabbit wholes I follow and no one e wants to talk about it because it’s uncomfortable

    • It’s my pleasure, Sheley! Airbnb was a disaster for me and my wife… Especially the last experience where we even had the host break into our room and take things from the room! Anyway, we had a huge dispute and wont be using it anymore. Creating a website is tough, this one really made my hair turn gray at times but is worth it once its over… If you get a producer membership you can pitch several themes to me so I can choose two (one every six months) and turn it into a long feature film or a multiple episode series – A sort of executive collaboration on your part.


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