Teaser: Controlled Opposition Chronicles

Promises made, promises kept. Many times, I felt like totally dropping this for obvious reasons. It can be cringe to see two men dish it out in public, but one has to be firm and steady when it comes to family. Anyone threatening my marriage will get the worst side of me: Take that as you wish. While Nick Alvear is pretending to take the high road with his followers, he has been stalking me on Telegram and sending messages insulting my wife, making all kinds of absurd statements, and even admitting he works for the FBI. Nick Alvear’s lies and crimes are exposed in the following teaser.

Nick Alvear is a dangerous criminal and needs to be stopped. Please share this open wide. Today is us and some others but tomorrow you can be his next victim. As for Alpa Soni, I want to make clear this is not published to expose her but to back her up in case she is still trapped in a violent relationship. Going after women is not what we do. Imagine thinking falsifying evidence with Artificial Intelligence will end well. Didn’t it occur to Nick I could easily prove him a fraudulent scumbag simply by providing a VIDEO with a screen recording of our conversation? Screenshots can be altered. Videos can’t. For those who don’t agree with these posts you simply have to understand that:

  • Nick defrauded me for $100,000+ since he said I brought in more than 30% of his subscribers. He hid the company’s profits from me for 18 months. He always promised raises but never delivered, and the same with signing a contract. I managed his company for him for over a year, especially when he was in jail for a month for a federal probation violation. He was very happy to be chasing tail and doing drugs to work or make new films while I did the hard work.
  • Nick continues to defraud me by profiting from my content even months after the fact, he is uploading the content I have created on my own all the while he has tried to ruin my reputation by concocting Whatsapp messages and painting me as a mentally ill junkie. He tried to steal my brand from me, a brand created in 2018 when he was a liberal twat voting for Bernie Sanders. I never voted Democrat in my life. He has, and still, has the gall to call me a liberal.
  • Before this July 2023 argument, I barely stood up for myself as any attempt at dialogue was met with hostility, threats, and passive-aggressiveness. I knew I was cheated out of a lot of money but didn’t protest as I had just moved to Portugal and didn’t want to risk unemployment until my wife and I were more stable. I had hoped a contract signing was going to fix the unfair treatment. When you are a family man, you have to swallow your pride sometimes.
  • Nick has threatened my life and gone after my wife several times hinting at things that don’t resemble reality because he knows that’s where I draw the line. My wife is a domestic abuse survivor who was stalked by a sex trafficking ring until I intervened. Her ex-boyfriend was a procurer of this ring working with Portuguese Policia Judiciaria without her knowledge and Nick has used this to attack us and call her hateful things which only adds to the previous trauma. He knows he can do this from a distance in a cowardly fashion, the lowest of the low, if anyone dared to go after my wife in person, I would rather land in jail for murder than let it happen.
  • Nick has changed his version of the events more than a dozen times. During our last argument, there is zero mention of owning him money or having drug problems. It all originated from me asking for respect after he said he was going to short me on my salary, instead of a promised raise and an increase in sales as a result of my work. He also claimed my content was garbage and that nobody saw my films while refusing to show viewing stats.
  • Nick has been defrauding, insulting and even threatening anyone who shows support to my cause or criticizes him in public. He is refusing to honor cancellations at this website and as a result, many people out there are being defrauded. He has no real stance on anything, he sits on the fence and goes along with the popular subject at the time. He is merely an opportunist who will work with pedophiles, scammers, and the bottom of the barrel.
  • What would you do if all these things were done to you? Would you turn the other cheek? Would you let this sad excuse of a man insult your wife in public without any retaliation? If the answer to all that is yes, good for you, but you shouldn’t even have a wife if you are unwilling to protect her from slander and emotional distress. All in all, I warned him twice before publishing this phone call. The third time was the charmer.


God bless you always,
Alessandro du Châtel
Founder, Total Disclosure.



13 thoughts on “Teaser: Controlled Opposition Chronicles”

  1. There are those without the honesty for this mission . Obviously you are a better person and Im positive will benefit positively from your hard work and the choices made . Thank you for continuing on this endeavor , I appreciate Truth , the Good ,the Bad and the Ugly ! 💯🙏❤️

    • Thank you so much, Cheryl. Is not easy or pleasant at all to come out and have a public spat, and have to defend your character from lies and falsified evidence. I have always tried to behave ethically with my colleagues and followers, and that translates to the total lack of scandals and personal beefs. There is a reason why I avoid going on camera and that’s precisely because I feel the content should always be the top protagonist, NOT me. I hope we can put all the evidence out there as quickly as possible so we can move unto bigger things. I appreciate you, and yes, with me you will always get the whole truth, even if its bad and ugly!

  2. Praying for you and your wife and family brother! Thank you for standing up for THE TRUTH! May God Bless you and Keep you 🙏🏼💕

  3. I found GoodLion at a time when I was learning about all that is going on in this world and the films helped me to understand and awaken. I made some stickers and signs to advertise the site and mailed them to Nick. I tore off my sticker off my car this week and shredded the sign. I was a mug club member too and want to smash my mug. I am heartbroken for Alpha Soni and pray she can get out of this relationship. I feel like a fool to have fallen for his talent as I even purchased his music.

    • Oh wow Therese I am so sorry this disappointment hit you SO hard. Unfortunately, while Alpa is clearly the abused party in that relationship, they both have been wronging folks and I believe both have narcissistic tendencies. Alpa has a better chance to improve tho, I fear Nick is a lost case. Please accept my apologies in behalf of Good Lion for this, as a former associate of the company, I should have seen the lies sooner. God bless you Therese, we all make errors in judgement. Dont let it bring you down.


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