Wolf Watch: Borderless (Laura Southern)

Borderless chronicles the migrant crisis occurring in Europe and the consequences on both refugees and natives. After six months on the ground I’m thrilled to present this film, the biggest and most comprehensive documentary ever made on the European border crisis. I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has made this … Read more

Michigan: Radical Imam Calls For Jihad

Ahmad Musa Jibril, a Michigan Islamist preacher, has called on American Muslims to wage Jihad while suggesting that in the time following the October 7 incident between Hamas, Mossad, and Israeli civilians, young Muslims should understand that ”the infidel West, particularly the US, are the enemies of Muslims.” He also urged Muslim mothers to ”nurse … Read more

Ireland: Migrant Stabs 3 Children

A five-year-old girl and a woman in her 30s are in serious condition in the hospital after they were attacked and stabbed near a school in Dublin on Thursday afternoon. The incident took place outside Gaelscoil Cólaiste Mhuire on Parnell Square East after 1.30 pm. Two other young children. A boy (5), and a girl … Read more

France: Teen Killed In Anti-White Attack

The disgraceful state of European demographics continues to show its ugly head as the unvetted attacks on our people proliferate day in and day out. French authorities arrested nine individuals on suspicion of murder on Tuesday following the fatal stabbing of a French teenager in a racially motivated attack. Eyewitnesses to the killing spree in … Read more

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