Silenced: Monica Petersen

Monica Petersen died on November 13th, 2016, in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. She was an activist focused on exposing human trafficking and had been living on the island for a few months. Monica earned her bachelor’s degree in Anthropology from Western State College of Colorado in Gunnison, Colorado. She received her master’s in International Development with a Human Trafficking concentration from the Josef Korbel School, University of Denver, Colorado. 

After graduation, Monica worked at the Human Trafficking Center as a Research Fellow and the Director’s Assistant. The director at the time was her professor and former Dyncorp employee with links to the deep state, Claude D’estrée. Monica worked with the Social Wellness Advocacy Network and the Data and Research Task Force of the Governor’s Colorado Human Trafficking Council. She then joined the Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking. She moved to Haiti in September 2016 to teach and set up an NGO. 

Monica Petersen was found dead by hanging, and her death incorrectly ruled a suicide. As the Pizzagate frenzy roared online, researchers on Reddit and VOAT quickly linked her death to the Clintons. She was in Haiti after all, the base of operations for the humanitarian crimes committed by the Clinton Foundation. The facts surrounding her death are not compatible with suicide, and her family believes there’s no way she killed herself. To understand what happened, you need to take a look at this interview with a family member.

Lots of suspects

Monica Peterson published on social media part of her research involving the Morne Bossa gold mine, exposing crimes by the Clintons. Previously, Hillary Clinton’s brother, Tony Rodham, was on the advisory board of VCS Mining who supervised the project. Following the controversy, some deny her death had anything to do with the Clintons, but a coverup is evident. Monica started a relationship with a known hustler named Mike Williams, murdered in June 2017. Mike had an alibi for Monica’s death as he was visiting his family in Atlanta following his father’s passing.

However, Mike’s behavior indicates he had previous knowledge of her death, and his associates are suspect. Mike had lots of connections in the drug and prostitution underworld, which Monica used for her research. Mike’s friends claimed they witnessed when she hung herself and “couldn’t get in because she locked the door.” The morgue where they dispatched her from was closed immediately after, and they failed to send an autopsy report. There are also rumors Monica had been in contact with musician Chris Cornell, who was murdered months later, also a staged suicide by hanging.

Her professor and boss, Claude D’estrée is involved in the coverup. He worked for the Department of Homeland Security and Dyncorp, the latter has a terrible history involving child sex trafficking. The professor has backtracked on his opinions on what happened and currently refuses to talk about it. After saying Monica’s death is related to her research (on film), he changed his tune and modified the subject of her thesis. He removed the evidence of his first statement from the Human Trafficking Center’s social media. D’estree is a frequent visitor of the elite Washington DC Cosmos club, a Freemason hotspot.

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