Silenced: Chester Bennington

Chester Bennington was murdered on July 20, 2017, in his residence in Palos Verdes, California. He is known as the singer of the bands Linkin Park, Grey Daze, Dead By Sunrise, and Stone Temple Pilots. Chester worked with several charities helping children, including in Haiti, during the Clinton Foundation debacle. Bill Clinton granted his bandmate, Mike Shinoda, a $1 million grant to open the SRS recycling plant. Many wonder why Clinton chose Mike, with the possibility of it being an advance.

One of the theories out there is because of Chester’s lineage, and his untimely fate. Rumors point to John Podesta (involved in Pizzagate) as Chester’s illegitimate father. Even if the resemblance is uncanny, sister Tobi Knehr denies the rumors. Sadly, the only way to corroborate this without witnesses is via a DNA paternity test, and that’s not going to happen. Chester was raped by a “family friend” when he was a young kid.

He worked with Chris Cornell, Anthony Bourdain, Brad Pitt, and Rick Rubin on his charity “Luminary Lane”. A name reminiscent of Layne Staley, deceased frontman for Alice in Chains. Chester found in Chris an unconditional friend and source of love and support at a time when he needed it badly. Chris found a black book containing a list of addresses where children were delivered for sex trafficking or worse. The black book included several of their acquaintances – Actors, and musicians they knew or worked with at some point. Chester had the last copy of the black book after Chris died.

Suspects and accomplices

Unfortunately, these revelations would be the least shocking for Chester Bennington. He discovered his wife Talinda was cheating on him with bandmate Mike Shinoda. Not that unpredictable, Talinda was a playboy and escort prostitute when she met Chester, during a party organized by Dr. Nick. She targeted him from the get-go and managed to sleep with the singer inside a closet, resulting in a pregnancy. Chester was finalizing his divorce from Samantha, fresh out of rehab, and not in a good mental state.

Talinda’s knowledge before the fact is uncertain, what’s certain is that her reward was getting her a gig with the World Health Organization as a spokeswoman for depression. She had a meltdown after the murder, claiming via Tweets that Chester was killed and hung after the fact. The outburst later was blamed on some random hacker playing cruel jokes. Both Samantha and Tobi state that the divorce was imminent due to the Shinoda incident. They also believe Chester was nervous before his death, he was in danger, and he knew it.

The main suspect in the murder is veteran celeb bodyguard, Ed Majcina, with a history of working for Lady Gaga, Steven Forbes, and Robert DeNiro. If you listen to the 911 call carefully, you’ll notice the driver is Shinoda himself. He was on the lookout while Majcina and Bono came inside to commit the crime. Two European beers were found at the crime scene, Bono’s favorite brew. Directly involved in the murder planning: David Geffen, Ron Burkle, and John Podesta. Kevin Spacey and Jay-Z are also involved in some capacity.

Silenced souls

Chester was quitting Linkin Park, and rejoining Grey Daze, his first band. Also, he was leaving Talinda and planned to expose Mike as the traitor that he is. His depression was used as a scapegoat as he was public about it. They claimed that losing his best friend was a blow too hard to handle, but on the contrary, Chester wanted to take care of Chris’s kids and find his killers. He had goals and objectives of redeeming his best friend and brother.

Chester Bennington was looking into the death of Chris and had copies of the black book Chris was working on exposing. Kato Khandwala, Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade, Ines Zorreguieta, and Avicii suffered a similar fate. Chester Bennington died by strangulation: His murder was way cleaner, lessons learned after Chris. He was rendered unconscious with an electric rod and then hung out to die. Enemies disguised as friends, killers disguised as bodyguards. 

Chester’s murder on what would’ve been Chris’s 53rd birthday was a warning and ritualistic. The singer was clean, and he didn’t even finish his beer, he meant to wake up early for a shoot. Wasn’t Bono’s first rodeo, as he was also directly involved in what happened to Michael Hutchence. Again, the kiss of death comes from a friend. Bono also works for David Geffen via Interscope and George Soros via the One Foundation.

During Louder than Love, I will destroy the timeline proving the perps are lying. I will expose testimonies by friends, musicians, family, intelligence, police, and others. The forensic analysis will be the last nail in the coffin for the killers.

12 thoughts on “Silenced: Chester Bennington”

  1. It’s all an illusion–alternate “realities” we’ve slipped into–nightmare. The Way out is The Truth.

    Infinite Love is The Only Truth, anything else is nothing and nowhere… a weird dream of separation, fear, guilt and false-judgements.

  2. Hello Alessandro,
    Have you anymore information? I’ve been in touch with Tobi? I’ve told her I’ve gotten a few more people that were totally clueless about even suspecting Chester was murdered to look into it, I asked if she wanted me to point them in any certain sort of direction, she said nkt that she can think of one main thing she wants them NOT to go down the Podesta hole into thinking that’s Chester’s father because it is not!! But I knew the Warner Brothers Studios were getting pissy with Chester and did not want him leaving Linkin Park they made Grey Daze seem like these worthless no named banded which they were not!

  3. I have a name that you may want to look into. Information on this individual in relation to Bennington may be difficult to find or come by, so very in depth searching might be necessary. That is, if you can find any information regarding the individual in relation to Bennington in some way. I have a source, but I am unable to specify to whom that source is, apologetically. The name you will need to be doing your deep research into is known as a ‘Liz Molina.’ She is believed to have resided in, and or around the same place of residence as Bennington at the time of his death. And also, more than likely, she still probably lives near there, or in the state of California.

  4. Also, be very weary all the while doing your research into this case. There is much more than you are aware that is being covered up and hidden from the public. There are very ‘BIG’ names who are involved in this devastating death of Bennington, and you don’t want to be publicly stating your up to date current findings. Watch your surrounding sir., and very very vigilant. Good luck to you.

    • I pray all people looking into this to take precaution, such a sad world we live in to take a father away from his 6 children and we’ll “some” family members that still very much loved him. This sickens me to know end, and how come people don’t ask who made the switch of the times of the photo shoot or commercial that morning he was suppose to appear on? Like who made that cal and suspiciously he was taken out around 430 am according to rigor mortis, yet autopsy says 9am or some crap, and that I idiot Jim Digbys interview in 2017 showing a pic of Chester and his family saying “does this look like suicide to you. This picture was taken just ONE day before his death” No the fuck it was not that picture was not from Arizona where he was the day before his death and Draven was not with Chester that week the only kids that were with him the last few days leading up to his death were his kids with that horrid widow of his, I know this will never be reopened but I’ll never stop talking about the truth of what happen to that amazing man that night

  5. I am all over the place with this article. I am thrown with Mike cheating with her. I have issues with his not being loyal. Not hers at all. Anyway, the insta post. The date is 2018 and she is Bennington-Friedman. How is that possible? She did not remarry until 01042020?

  6. I have been talking with and close friends with Tobi since 2018. She and John have given me any indication that she was lying. Neither has CeCe or Samanatha. John Podesta isn’t Chester’s father and never knew Susan. They never met. Other than that, everything I see is a good case to start on. There are a lot of rabbit holes, conspiracies, both true and false, out there. There are also eyes everywhere Please, take precautions. As even his family members feels like they are being watched.


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