Wolf Watch: 2000 Mules

The 2020 United States presidential election was rife with fraud orchestrated by the Democratic Party. That’s not just an accusation; it’s now, thanks to bestselling author and investigative journalist Dinesh D’Souza, an established fact. With eyewitness testimony and the pinpoint precision and analytic sophistication of the forensic technique of tracking, D’Souza demonstrates how an already … Read more

Wolf Watch: The Poison Squad

By the close of the Industrial Revolution, the American food supply was tainted with frauds, fakes, and legions of new and untested chemicals, dangerously threatening the health of consumers. Based on the book by Deborah Blum, The Poison Squad tells the story of government chemist Dr. Harvey Wiley who, determined to banish these dangerous substances … Read more

Wolf Watch: Head Of The Snake

Head of the Snake is a condensed version of the three-hour phone call between sex trafficking survivor Maria Farmer and investigative journalist Whitney Webb. Vast and deep intel exposing Mossad, The Mega Group, Les Wexner, The Rothschilds, and the Zionist Jewish mafia that operates within the United States and Israel. These are the key pieces … Read more

Wolf Watch: 911 The Mossad False Flag

The 9/11 terror atrocity and the War on Terror plots were both conceived by Israeli military intelligence in the 1970s under the leadership of Menachem Begin, the self-proclaimed “Father of Terrorism” and founder of the Likud party who became prime minister in 1977. The War on Terror doctrine was rolled out in a “propaganda offensive” … Read more

Communism By The Back Door

Another sensational and revealing documentary from the brilliant Dennis Wise proves that we have all been fooled into thinking Communism died when the Soviet Union collapsed. This is a must-watch series for anyone who wants to know the present-day illusion of democracy and how communism really has been sneaked in through the back door. In … Read more

Wolf Watch: Beyond The Forbidden Veil

The Vatican City State is a landlocked independent country, city-state, microstate, and enclave within Rome, Italy. It became independent from Italy in 1929 with the Lateran Treaty, and it is a distinct territory under “full ownership, exclusive dominion, and sovereign authority and jurisdiction” of the Holy See, itself a sovereign entity under international law, which … Read more

Wolf Watch: Planet Lockdown

Planet Lockdown is a 90-minute documentary on the situation the world found itself in during the Covid-19 plandemic. We spoke to some of the brightest and bravest minds in the world, including epidemiologists, scientists, doctors, lawyers, protesters, a statesman, and a prince. These brave souls had the courage to speak the truth against all odds … Read more

Altiyan Childs Exposes Freemasonry

Altiyan Childs, the singer who won the second season of The X Factor Australia in 2010, was subsequently signed with Sony Music. His debut single, “Somewhere In The World,” reached the top ten in Australia and New Zealand, and his self-titled debut album peaked at number three on the ARIA Albums Chart and was certified … Read more

Wolf Watch: Mouthy Buddha’s Pedogate

This documentary looks deeper into the evidence of an organized pedophilia ring in Washington, D.C., which came to light during the Barack Obama administration. These networks have been in existence before this and still continue to this day. Mouthy Buddha exposes their secret codes and discovers a very dangerous flaw in search engines such as … Read more

Wolf Watch: Enter The Pizzagate

In the final stage of the U.S. elections, in early November 2016, the emails of John Podesta, who was Hilary Clinton’s campaign manager, were harvested by an unknown source working within the Democratic party. One of these emails was between John Podesta and James Alefantis, the owner of Comet Ping Pong, the pizzeria in Washington … Read more

Wolf Watch: Jesuits Oath

Some have called this documentary the greatest expose of the Jesuit Order ever produced. It details the history of the Jesuit Order from 1534 to the present day. It exposes the Order’s “Black Hand” in the course of history, including the French Revolution, Napoleonic Wars, the Bolshevik Revolution, and subsequent communist and fascist dictatorships of … Read more

Wolf Watch: Khazarian Mafia

The history of the Khazarians, specifically the Khazarian Mafia, the largest organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian money magick has been nearly completely excised from the history books. The authors of this study have done their best to resurrect this lost, secret history of the Khazarians and … Read more

Candy Girl: The Story Of Fiona Barnett

Satanic Ritual Abuse and MK-Ultra survivor Fiona Barnett recounts her horrific childhood in Australia and, from there, trafficked internationally to be abused by important figures in politics and entertainment. Many of these sick, evil predators are names we all know, but few in the world know their darkest secrets. Fiona visits ritual abuse sites around … Read more

Wolf Watch: Conspiracy Of Silence

The “Franklin scandal” broke in 1989 when children were apparently flown around the United States to be abused by high-ranking government officials. The claims primarily centered on Lawrence E. King Jr., who ran the now-defunct Franklin Community Federal Credit Union in Omaha, Nebraska, and alleged that the ring was “a cult of devil worshipers involved … Read more

Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick

Authoritatively written and narrated by Francis Richard Conolly, the film begins its labyrinthine tale during the era of World War I, when the wealthiest and most powerful figures of industry discovered the immense profits to be had from a landscape of ongoing military conflict. The film presents a persuasive and exhaustively researched argument that these … Read more

Wolf Watch: Marching To Zion

For over 1800 years, the Jews were scattered throughout all nations without a homeland. Then, in 1948, the impossible happened. The State of Israel was founded, and the Jews once again possessed the promised land. Many Christians have proclaimed this to be a miracle and a blessing from God, but was this really the blessing … Read more

Wolf Watch: Sacrificial Virgins

Is the next Thalidomide-style scandal about to break? How many young girls are being seriously damaged by the vaccine, with the highest reported adverse reactions of any existing vaccine? The Human Papilloma Vaccine (HPV) is a treatment in widespread use. Still, its efficacy in preventing cancer is medically unproven, while unintended, adverse reactions are blighting … Read more

Wolf Watch: Devil Worship

Geraldo Rivera investigates allegations of a widespread Satanic underground in the United States. He talks to investigators and looks at occult crimes and ritual murders that have been committed in the United States. He also speaks to self-identified Satanists who deny that Satanism is a dangerous religion. During the 1980s, the term ”Satanic Panic” caught … Read more

Red Dragon: Exposing The CCP

The proponents of the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, the One-Child Policy, and many other failures now serve as the NWO’s blueprint for introducing a technocrat totalitarian system aided by mass surveillance and social credit score. Their subversive ways have been perfected for decades, and under the rule of Xi Jinping, the Red Dragon … Read more

Wolf Watch: Unacceptable Views

Before they had reached the national capital, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau referred to the convoy of truckers and their like-minded supporters as a ”small fringe minority”. Two weeks later, he was facing an institutional crisis. Brave patriots from all over Canada united in a way that was seldom seen before anywhere. In the process, they … Read more

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