A natural-born douche is pretty easy to spot. This acclaimed actor who has starred in a few classics was 27 and having fun somewhere in Minnesota. He was writing a play at the time and travelled with his photographer. His demeanour was rude and obnoxious. He figured it was OK for him to interject in their conversation, and they would be starstruck. The patrons across his table didn’t feel that way, not the kind of people impressed by “status”.
Someone asked for a picture, but the actor demanded that “his guy” take it and charged $20 for the “privilege”. Jaws dropped across his table, fancied baiting those who didn’t submit to his charm. “Who does that? I’m embarrassed for you!” – One of the patrons said, and more banter ensued. The whole time this happened, patrons kept looking at the actor, and then back to the girl sitting next to him. She was almost invisible due to her shyness and couldn’t be more than 14 years of age.
Innocent-looking and all, she couldn’t follow the conversation. She just appeared star-struck and had no idea what she was getting herself into. She just sat there frozen and nervously laughed (as any kid does when they hang with the older “cool kids”). Any eye contact intimidated her, so she spent most of the time looking at her feet. She didn’t say a word the entire time. The actor was clearly unashamed about his lack of everything.

“Is this for real?”
A patron sarcastically asked him if that was his daughter, and he said: “Yeah, that’s my daughter” also in a sarcastic fashion. Things got heated: “Are you fucking kidding me? What is she? 14? If even that? You sad, pathetic man!”. As this happened, I kept looking at his friends like: “Is this for real? Why are you not saying anything?” When the actor wasn’t looking, they kept mouthing the words “thank you” while nodding in agreement.
A C-list actor, producer, and director was there and pulled the patron aside to say he was “100% supportive of her choice of words.” He was stuck with the douche because he was acting in the play the B-lister was producing. The C-lister acted in a trilogy comedy about a police precinct. But this is the Hollywood culture that needs to go, and anyone who turns an eye away is just bluffing with their virtue signalling. Much like the “me too” movement.
“At least, the girl didn’t seem like she was held against her will. It was more so him taking advantage of a naive young minor who I don’t believe would have the courage to say ‘no’ when the situation arose. Which I feel most likely did.” – Long story short, they made him feel 2″ tall, and he packed up and left – his entourage embarrassed. The patrons admitted they were fans until they met the actor, the son of a former C.I.A. assassin.

Isn’t the girl in the top left photo – Jennifer Lawrence?
yeah, thats for illustration purposes