Ebola: First Shedding Vaccine Administered

A group of medical staff at Denver Health served as guinea pigs last November by being among the first to receive a ”live” Ebola vaccine, a decision drawing attention due to its unusual nature and the vaccine’s reported ”shedding” capabilities. Although there are currently no Ebola outbreaks, the approach of Denver Health’s High-Risk Infection Team has been both lauded and questioned. The live Ebola vaccine is being sold as a proactive strategy to bolster defenses against potential future outbreaks. But as most of us know by now, every vaccine is suspicious and even damaging.

Ebola, known for its high fatality rate, caused global concern during the 2014 West Africa epidemic, which also resulted in cases within the United States. ”We want to make sure that people have the chance to be protected in case we need to take care of a patient that has a disease with a mortality potentially of 70%,” said Dr. Maria Frank, one of the vaccine recipients. ”We want to be able to help if necessary, and you know, a lot of people in the U.S. feel inclined to go when something happens, so we may deploy health care workers to actually help during an outbreak.”

This Ebola treatment is a live virus vaccine administered as a single injection into a muscle. It contains a weakened strain of the vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) that has been altered to carry a gene from the Ebola virus. Gain of function research, in our faces. As of August 2023, the FDA has approved Merck’s Ebola Zaire Vaccine Live for use in children 12 months and older. The ”Ervebo” vaccine, as it’s known, reportedly has a shedding rate of 31%, according to the FDA package insert. This refers to the vaccine virus’s ability to be transmitted to others, including family members or casual contacts. A total violation of Article 7 of the Nuremberg Code which prohibits experiments conducted without the “free consent to medical or scientific experimentation” of the subject.

All in all, a very unfortunate situation and something that could be used on other if not all vaccines, all without the knowledge of the public. The FDA report indeed confirms that vaccine virus RNA was detectable in some participants’ urine or saliva, with the highest shedding occurring on Day 7 post-vaccination and ceasing by Day 28. The highest shedding rate was observed in participants aged 12 to 17 years. Dr. Richard Bartlett revealed some concerns on The Alex Jones Show. He questioned the timing and purpose of this happening, correlating it to a new lab being built near Denver in Colorado Springs, which is reported to be engaged in bat research and potentially working with Ebola and Nipah virus strains. Take anything Infowars, with a grain of salt.

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