This website serves as a blog, newsfeed, forum, and streaming platform. We strive to adhere to the most demanding journalistic principles and while we give a voice to anonymous testimonies, we cannot accept responsibility for what those people have to say in regards to criminal activity. We offer free episodes for every series and while some content is behind a paywall, I will counter that by providing a written version of all my films in the near future, and even in PDF format. By doing that, I make sure the information is available for anyone, while also preserving the business side of our mission so we can keep operating on the clock.
For refunds please make sure to contact us no later than 72 hours after the transaction was made, requests after that period will not be honored. Our website’s newest version was built in record time and we still have some things to improve. This includes different features such as the ability to cancel your memberships manually, please contact us at least 72 hours before the renewal of your membership plan so we can have enough time to follow your lead. In the same manner, you may cancel your autorenewal and keep your plan active for the remainder of the duration of the membership. Just drop us a line via email or live chat and we will take care of it.
Along the same lines, our online forum was created with the purpose of allowing everyone to be free and genuine, both in their discourse and their research. The opinions of each poster are their own and should be taken as free speech commentary. We ask you to please follow common sense and basic rules of decorum and social media etiquette while posting there: NO GORE, NO PORN, NO DOXING, AND NO GANGSTALKING PLEASE. If you wish to promote your platform, please reach out to me first so we can make sure it aligns with our values. For advertisement packages, please reach out to
DISCLAIMER: I don’t advocate for harassment or violence against the individuals exposed in my media outlets, on the contrary, the aim is to inform people so they themselves avoid being victims of lies, scams, harassment, violence, manipulation, false information, emotional abuse or much worse. I hope people in law enforcement will find my research and act accordingly with the evidence and witnesses provided.