Kabbalah’s Satanic Secrets Exposed

In this video, the dark secrets of Kabbalah’s occult practice are finally revealed for all to see. Learn about the Satanic connection between Kabbalah and Gnosticism, Platonism, Pythagoreanism, and much more. See how Kabbalists misuse the Old Testament (Torah/Tanakh) and twist its teachings into supporting devilish heresies and plots to wipe out billions. Kabbalah is … Read more

Wolf Watch: Marching To Zion

For over 1800 years, the Jews were scattered throughout all nations without a homeland. Then, in 1948, the impossible happened. The State of Israel was founded, and the Jews once again possessed the promised land. Many Christians have proclaimed this to be a miracle and a blessing from God, but was this really the blessing … Read more

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