Wolf Watch: The Big Secret

This documentary explores the truth behind some of today’s most widely accepted medical practices. It seeks to expose how the focus on corporate profits influences traditional medical treatment in the United States. The Big Secret is the latest work by five-time Emmy Award-winning producer Alex Voss and multi-award-winning filmmaker and integrative physician Susan Downs. What … Read more

The Food Cure: Hope Or Hype?

Can dietary measures halt or even reverse an advanced and lethal disease? This documentary follows the extraordinary stories of six cancer patients who decide to tackle their disease with fruit and vegetables. Will lifestyle changes and a plant-based diet work where aggressive chemotherapies, targeted drugs, and high-tech medicine often fail? The film records the patients’ … Read more

Wolf Watch: Science Of Fasting

While life expectancy is increasing in Western countries, cases of diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and cancer are increasing, and the use of medication has exploded. Does this mean that in order to live to a ripe age we are condemned to swallow more and more drugs? What if there was another way? For half a century, … Read more

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