Wolf Watch: Robert Sepehr

Robert Sepehr (Los Angeles, 1975) is a writer, producer, independent anthropologist, YouTuber, archeologist, paleobiologist, and specialist in languages. He has written six books – ‘1666 Redemption Through Sin: Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics, and Finance’, ‘Occult Secrets of Vril, Species with Amnesia: Our Forgotten History’, ‘Spezies mit Amnesie: Unsere vergessene Geschichte,’ ‘ Species with … Read more

Wolf Watch: The Hittites

A sweeping epic two-hour docu-drama on the Hittites, a major empire and civilization that ruled between 1650 and 1200 BC and forever changed the landscape of the ancient Near East and modern Western civilization. Shot in 35 locations in Turkey, Syria, and Egypt, with photography in historical sites and museums plus on-location interviews with world-renowned … Read more

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