Police claimed in late April that they would finally release the manifesto of the trans shooter that they recovered from a car following the attack on March 27th, 2023. 28-year-old Audrey Elizabeth Hale, a transgender former student, murdered three 9-year-olds and three adults in a mass shooting at the Covenant school located in Nashville, Tennessee. Hale allegedly fired off 152 rounds during the targeted attack, which now has been revealed to be a hate crime by a deranged trans shooter against Christian Americans. As the perp was a member of the rainbow collective, the Mockingbird media largely ignored the attack as it doesn’t fit the narrative of victimhood that characterizes the LGBTQ+ community.
The release of the manifesto was delayed again in early May. The excuse this time was that there was ”pending litigation” around the document. Soon after, a judge in Nashville received an unredacted copy of the trans shooter manifesto. However, lawyers at The Covenant School filed a motion of intervention to prevent its release, arguing that doing so would compromise the safety of the school, its staff, and its students. Last Monday, controlled opposition Zionist shill Steven Crowder revealed the first three pages of the document on his podcast. The disturbing manifesto of Audrey Hale, who referred to her plan as ”DEATH DAY,” is filled with malevolent intent and a planned timeline.

Within the washed-out prose of the manifesto, Hale made numerous statements: ”Can’t believe I’m doing this, but I’m ready… I hope my victims aren’t.” Her hopes for a high death toll were also clearly stated, and the anger seemed focused on kids whom she perceives to be affluent, referencing children ”going to fancy private schools with those fancy khakis + sports backpacks w/ their daddies mustangs + convertibles.” Hale subscribed to a consistently embittered view of societal equity and communist ethos. Demonstrating her deep-seated anger, she wrote, ”Wanna kill all you little crackers!!! Bunch of little faggots w/ your white privileges.” Hale estimated the entire incident was to last as little as 3 to 7 minutes but no longer than 10: ”It might be 10 minutes tops. It might be 3-7. It’s gonna go quick.”
Given the prevalence of false flag operations and fake mass shootings, it’s worth noting there were several inconsistencies in this case worth looking into. While I’m very skeptical about these incidents and avoid reporting on them as much to not add to the fear porn and those calling to condition the 2nd amendment of the United States Constitution, I also recognize this event seems like a typical case of woke extremism. The perp being trans doesn’t match the agenda of those in charge of planning psychological operations, at least on paper. If you want to dig deeper, I recommend you go back and analyze all the media evidence out there. I won’t deny the death of children without hard evidence, but at the same time, I recommend you take these events with a grain of salt.