Eyes Wide Open: Stanley Kubrick

The films directed by Stanley Kubrick were diverse and drenched with cleverly infused messages, hundreds of them. While some think he was the man behind the Apollo 11 Moon landing psyop, in the end, revealing too much and refusing to budge would cost him his life just days shy of the premiere of his last film exposing secret societies ”Eyes Wide Shut.”

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Episode 01

Episode 02

Episode 03

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6 thoughts on “Eyes Wide Open: Stanley Kubrick”

  1. Thanks for these wonderful offerings.
    At 15:28 in Part 1 the film director, Harlen is described as a “fellow traveller” which is what Freemasons call one another. A typical Mason greeting is often, “Are you a travelling man?”
    Thought that might be worth adding somewhere.
    Look forward to watching a few more before deciding whether I can Subscribe.
    Will share far and wide in the meantime
    God Bless

  2. At the end of Ep 4 Robert Sepehr conveniently doesn’t copy and paste(narrate) the important following paragraphs of The daily Beast article he uses! I like RS but he’s not as erudite or well meaning as most consider…

    “Jesusโ€™ address to Helios isnโ€™t as strange as it at first seems. During a visit to a late fourth century baptistery last October, Larsen โ€œsaw that in the very place where people would have stood while being baptized, there was not a quotation from scripture but a clear allusion to Virgilian poetry.โ€ You can imagine, argues Larsen, โ€œa community [like this one] using this type of gospel, with its strange readings about Helios and Jove.โ€

    As early as the second century, added Larsen โ€œwe have evidence of Christians thinking about Jesusโ€™ death and resurrection in association with the setting and rising of the sun, and in the third and fourth century we see a blending of imagery of Christ and Sol Invictus.โ€ The person who made Bobiensis would not have been alone in incorporating sun-god imagery into Christianity, he would just be the first to integrate that idea into scripture itself. Of course, for modern Christians, the idea that Jesus (or any early Christians) believed in and spoke to Helios is deeply problematic. Itโ€™s one thing to say that Christians utilized pagan iconography in their artistic depictions of Jesus (which they did), but the idea that Jesus called out to Helios in his dying breath is considerably more challenging. Did Jesus believe in Helios? Almost certainly not, but it might be the case that some ancient Christians did and transposed their beliefs onto him.”
    On to Episode 5! Great stuff Alessandro!


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