Wolf Watch: Nazis Vs. Freemasons

Paris, June 14, 1940: German troops parade on the Champs Elysees. The same day, special units loot the headquarters of French Masonic Obedience. By order of Alfred Rosenberg, the Nazi Party theorist, obsessed with the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy theory, they collect tons of archives and precious books and ship them to Berlin. The aim is threefold: … Read more

Corporate Fascism: Destruction Of America

This explores a new kind of fascism: the merger of corporations and government whereby corporate power dominates. With the emergence of ever-larger multinational corporations — due to consolidation facilitated by endless FIAT money — the corporatocracy has been in a position to purchase the US Congress. As a result, many of the nation’s laws have … Read more

Climate Hustle (Parts I & II)

In the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Member States express their commitment to protect the planet from degradation and take urgent action on climate change. The Agenda also identifies, in paragraph 14, climate change as “one of the greatest challenges of our time” and worries that “its adverse impacts undermine the ability of all countries … Read more

Scientism Exposed (Parts I & II)

Scientism is the view that science and the scientific method are the best or only way to render truth about the world and reality. What if there has been an agenda to keep people from the Truth of God? What if everything modern-day science has taught you about your origins is wrong? Make no mistake; … Read more

Wolf Watch: Magnetic Water

No matter how soft and formless it appears to our eyes: Water constantly surprises those who find it worth the trouble to research it. Now it has also been proven that water stores information. The French immunologist Jacques Benveniste (1935–2004) claimed in the 1980s that water has memory. He was head of a French research … Read more

Wolf Watch: Habbening Net News

Habbening Net News creates documentaries on some of the most censored topics of our time! Enjoy these deep dives into some of the lesser-covered topics and discover truths the MSM DOES NOT want out there! That’s What Happened is a multi-media network dedicated to decentralized hosting and ensuring that content creators who seek to deliver … Read more

Wolf Watch: William Cooper

Milton William “Bill” Cooper (May 6, 1943 – November 5, 2001) was an American patriot, radio broadcaster, Vietnam veteran, and author known for his 1991 book Behold a Pale Horse, in which he warned of multiple global conspiracies, some involving extraterrestrial life. Cooper also described HIV/AIDS as a man-made disease used to target blacks, Hispanics, … Read more

Wolf Watch: The Viral Delusion

This edge-pushing docuseries based on interviews with an extraordinary group of doctors, chemists, biologists, journalists, activists, authors, and more, turns the story of the pandemic upside down by looking at the scientific papers used to justify it: they point out what the science actually shows runs entirely counter to the narrative we have been told. … Read more

Other Losses: Eisenhower’s Camps

“Other Losses” is a riveting and eye-opening documentary that delves deep into the post-World War II treatment of the German people. It exposes the hidden history of the Allied powers’ actions towards Germany, revealing the deadly conditions in American and French camps that led to the deaths of millions of innocent Germans. The documentary sheds … Read more

Law Of Attraction: Fact Or Fiction?

The Law of Attraction has been around for quite a while now, with roots that stem back to the 1800s, along with the rise of New Age Spirituality. But with Rhonda Byrne’s film, “The Secret” which was promoted extensively by Oprah Winfrey, the Law of Attraction has reached whole new heights of popularity. This in … Read more

The Dark Truth: Fake New Age Gurus

Rhonda Byrne’s Film, “The Secret” popularised the “Law of Attraction” greatly, and has allowed this philosophy/belief to permeate the mainstream for a very long time. But the history that lies behind “The Secret” has its roots all the way back to the 1800s, when the New Thought Movement began taking strides, as well as other … Read more

Hollywood Blind Items: Jamie Dlux

Born in Boston, Massachusetts, and relocated to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, at the age of 11 years old, Jamie Dlux is a musician, most notably for SharkLegs, Dead Center, and Sons of Atom, a photographer, graphic designer, published poet and author (Poetry’s Not Dead: A Collection of Poems by Southern Punks) and a Youtuber. For … Read more

Wolf Watch: One By One

A cafe worker is violently jolted from her day-to-day existence when offered the startling revelation that this world may be on the brink of destruction, revolution, or both. A good story for those who are aware of the ‘New One World Order’ agenda playing out, the film contains some clever tips on waking the sleeping … Read more

The Greatest Story Never Told

Adolf Hitler, born in Braunau, was a man who would change the history of the world forever. It follows his childhood to the death of his mother and his broken ambition to become an artist, then further to his entry into politics. His service in the army, accolades, his writing Mein Kampf, politics, and most … Read more

Wolf Watch: Demon Possessed

A new documentary film exposing demonic possession in America. Demons or drugs? Why are people being affected by poison of the mind? Many belief systems hold demonic possession to be the control of an individual by an evil supernatural being. Descriptions of demonic possessions often include erased memories or personalities, convulsions, “fits” and fainting as … Read more

HIV=AIDS: Fact or Fraud?

One of the most powerful video documentaries of our time boldly reveals the modern medical-industrial complex’s dire descent into utter corruption. HIV/AIDS – A deadly and dangerous DECEPTION! This feature-length expose explains exactly how the 300-billion-dollar AIDS fraud began, why HIV can NOT be the cause of AIDS, what the real causes could be, and … Read more

Wolf Watch: Unsustainable

Globalists in the Power Elite, working through the United Nations, are waging war against property rights, gun rights, and capitalism in order to usher in a Marxist World Order. This war is known as Agenda 21. Considered a ”conspiracy theory” by the mainstream media and other apologists of globalization, its flagship term, ”sustainable development,” crops … Read more

Wolf Watch: Impossiball

Get ready for the impossiball! A surprise flat earth documentary from Robbie Davidson of Celebrate Truth (John 14:6). Ever since we are taught how to read and write, our young sponge-like minds absorb every single lie written in history books. How can anybody just flat-out reject a theory because of what we were taught in … Read more

Infowars: The Alex Jones Show

One way the predatory class controls information is by mixing the truth with an avalanche of irrelevant bullshit. Celebrity gossip, false stories, civil unrest, psychological operations. The purpose is clear: To keep those awakening so busy deciphering nonsense that the truth is lost. Alex Jones could be part of how they control how the story … Read more

NWO: The Illusion Of Money

This film by Leonard Ulrich exposes the origin of the Federal Reserve and shows how nearly every war has been financed – on both sides – by the same people for over a century now. It reveals the diabolical plans of the Elite to sacrifice countless lives in order to advance their Luciferian agendas. In … Read more

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