The Trials Of Henry Kissinger

“The Trials of Henry Kissinger analyses the legacy of famed American diplomat Henry Kissinger, implicating him in a series of alleged war crimes and breaches of international law. Based on ‘The Trial of Henry Kissinger’ by famed polemicist and reporter Christopher Hitchens, the film explores a series of alleged war crimes in Cambodia, Bangladesh, Chile, Cyprus, and Vietnam, during Kissinger’s time as National Security Advisor and Secretary of State under Presidents Nixon and Ford. But while Hitchens and other like-minded individuals are present to give the case against Kissinger, the documentary also features defenders of Kissinger’s policies and legacy. Featuring relentless direction by Eugene Jarecki, varied lines of inquiry by its talking heads, and scathing narration by legendary thespian Brian Cox, upon release Newsday described the documentary as ‘required viewing for every American, especially now’.”

The Trials Of Henry Kissinger (2002)



3 thoughts on “The Trials Of Henry Kissinger”

  1. And at the same time…

    Mrs. Nancy Kissinger

    November 30, 2023

    Dear Madam Kissinger,

    please accept my deepest condolences on the passing of your husband, Henry Kissinger.

    An outstanding diplomat, a wise and far-sighted statesman who enjoyed well-deserved respect around the world for decades, has passed away. Henry Kissinger’s name is inextricably linked with America’s pragmatic foreign policy, which played a pivotal role in defusing international tensions at the time and achieving crucial Soviet-American agreements that contributed to strengthening global security.

    I had multiple opportunities to talk face-to-face with this profound and extraordinary man, and I will certainly cherish the warmest memories of him.

    I wish you, as well as all the relatives and friends of the deceased, spiritual fortitude in the face of this heavy loss.


    Vladimir Putin

    This is what Russia’s “fight against globalists” widely promoted in 90+% of alt-media looks like, in fact.

    Antiglobalist photo from the photo gallery of “Kommersant”.

      • I can’t disagree with you. 🙂
        By the way, just to say:

        Faculty of Global Processes, Moscow State University:

        At the GLOBALISTICS 2023 Congress, a report by MSU scientists “Rethinking the Limits to Growth” was presented


        At the autumn session of the Congress “Global Studies”, the Dean of the FGP MSU, Professor I.V. Ilyin, presented the results of a large scientific work carried out at the FSP MSU. In October 2023, the Springer Publishing House published a report (monograph) “Rethinking the Limits of Growth”, prepared by a group of Russian scientists under the leadership of the Rector of Moscow State University..

        The report[…]was prepared in 2020–2022 as part of the development program of the Interdisciplinary Scientific and Educational School of Moscow State University “Mathematical Methods for the Analysis of Complex Systems” and the implementation of a grant from the Russian Science Foundation.

        The report is timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the publication of the famous report to the Club of Rome “The Limits to Growth” (D. Meadows et al.) and summarizes the long-term scientific work of the team on the study of the dynamics of the world system.

        There is a transition of human society into a new phase state, the shape of which has not yet been determined. In this situation, we are not talking about forecasting, but about designing the future in new historical conditions. The analysis of options for further world development is made. Based on the analysis and modeling results, a project of the future society with the conditional name “World-organism” is proposed, based on the primacy of the principles of cooperation over the principles of competition.

        Etc., etc. – in the link.
        Pardon me for the off-topic 🙂

        By the way, Alessandro, yesterday I saw that you were mentioned in an article telling about the controlled opposition, your interview with Gabby Choong on November 19th. Here. Not that it’s important, just to say. 🙂


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